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Jericho 941 | Baby Eagle - Cowboy Bebop - Black Brass

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Jericho 941 | Baby Eagle - Cowboy Bebop - Black Brass

**Returns/Exchanges: Try them on and make sure you like the shape, texture, and weight. We cannot take them back if they have been shot with, scratched, tarnished, or damaged in any way. You may return/exchange these grips within 60 days of delivery undamaged and in new condition.

These solid Brass grips are Cerakoted Matte Black and feature a Cowboy Bebop-inspired engraving.

Fits Magnum Research Baby Eagle & IWI Jericho 941

***Models with a lanyard ring, some older models, and even some current frames may require custom fitting. We recommend using a knowledgeable gunsmith. You also have 60 days from delivery to return them undamaged as well.

Will Fit: 
• 9mm & .40 S&W

Currently not available for the .45 ACP

Will NOT Fit: 
• Compact Baby 
• Baby Eagle III

*Grips are made to work with included T20 Torx Screws

Weight: 9mm/.40 S&W ~8.43 oz +/- 0.10 oz

9mm/.40 S&W
Our Grips are thinner than the stock grips.
Jericho 941 Thickness with stock grips: 1.365"
Jericho 941 Thickness with LOK Grips: ~1.235"

.45 ACP
Our Grips are similar thickness to the stock grips (1.260")



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