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1911 Blank Raw Aluminum Grips for Laser Engraving

DEALERS ONLY: This is a dealer-only item, email for pricing

Made to order - Ships in 10 business days

1911 Blank Raw Aluminum Grips for Laser Engraving

DEALERS ONLY: This is a dealer-only item, email for pricing

CNC Machined from solid 6061 Aluminum

We made these raw aluminum grips for customers that plan to have them laser engraved elsewhere.
They are not meant to be used as-is. We recommend engraving them and coating them to protect the raw aluminum from corrosion.
We do not currently offer laser engraving in-house for these grips.

Size: Currently available in Full Size only

Thickness: Only available in standard thickness

Bottom Cuts
-Standard Bevel
: 45° bevel with a notch in the corner to expose the MSH pin
- Magwell: Flat across the bottom to work with magwells that are attached via the backstrap. MSH pin is covered. Does not work with slip on magwells.

Ambi safetyPre-cut to work with or without an ambidextrous safety!

Includes O-rings
Does NOT include screws or bushings. 

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