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Walther Q5 | Q4 | PDP Compact Steel Frame GridLOK Brass

$139.95 - $149.95
Made to order - Ships in 10 business days
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Walther Q5 | Q4 | PDP Compact Steel Frame GridLOK Brass

**Returns/Exchanges: Try them on and make sure you like the shape, texture, and weight. We cannot take them back if they have been shot with, scratched, tarnished, or damaged in any way. You may return/exchange these grips within 60 days of delivery undamaged and in new condition.

These grips are CNC machined from solid brass for added weight. They are similar shape and thickness to the stock grips.

Weight: ~9.00 oz +/- 0.10 oz 

This is a 2-piece grip. They are made to work with your stock hardware.

 Includes 2x Dowels (1/8" x 3/8")

*does not include screws or o-rings*  You can order new replacement screws HEREIf you have any problems with the screws backing out, we recommend blue loctite.


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